Touch Office Web Manual
Touch Office Web allows Real time and historical sales reports at your fingertips. TouchOffice Web provides complete control over your business from anywhere. Stock, staff, pricing and programming; TouchOffice Web gives you control over it all.
Index Page
Logging into Touch Office Web
Home Page
Reports Page
Products Page
Clerks Page
Programming Page
Sales Page
How to login to Touch Office Web
Once the back office is live and completed by ourselves, your login details for access to the back office will be provided below for ease of access.
You can create multiple users on Touch Office Web, these can be configured with limited permissions so that you can be in full control of what your staff are able to view/edit
Once you’ve loaded the website via the link is below you will be greeted by this login screen (Picture below) you just enter in the username and password and you will be given access to your back office, if the username or password is incorrect please email [email protected] and we can update the password for you.
Website Link:
Username: Admin@SiteName
Quick Overview of Touch Office Web
Home Page
Over view of sales data for the groups
Reports Page
From here you can access and export all your reports, including Clerks Reports, Department Reports, Financial Reports, PLU Reports, Stock Control Reports and Custom Reports
Products Page
From here you can access details of all your programmed products
Stock Page
Access your Stock List, or use ins & Outs to manually adjust stock levels
Clerks Page
Access and configure staff detail along with fine-grained permissions for each user.
Clerk Programming
Lists each of your Clerks and allows quick editing of basic details. Clicking the clerk Number in the left 3hand column takes you to the Clerk Details Programming page for that clerk.
Clerk Details Programming
Allows you to configure every aspect of your clerk details, including fine-grained permissions and access to functions.
Programming Page
Access and configure all aspects of your Programming, such as Department Programming and PLU
Group Programming
Here you can add, edit or delete product groups for the end of day reports
Sales Page Access your sales data and Till Reports
Terminals Page Access and configure details of your Terminal
Home Page
The Home Page contains a number of Home Page Widgets which give you a quick overview of filtered sales data.
Home Page Widgets
The Home Page Widgets available to any given user depend upon the viewing permissions available for that user, these can be defined in User Settings.
Where a widget contains graphical data, many have interactive elements; by hovering your mouse over a point in a graph or a section of a pie chart, for example, a tool tip will pop up showing you the data for that section (see image, Below). Hovering over the key of any graphical data will highlight the related section in the graph.
Similarly, any data shown in columns can be sorted by clicking on the header of a given column. Click again to sort in reverse.
Filter Home Page Widget Reports
As with the main Reports page, you can filter the data shown in the various Home Page Widgets.
You can filter reports by site, for a multi-site operation, by selecting the site from the dropdown at the top of the page. You can filter reports to a specific period either by entering a start and end time and date, or by clicking one of the Period Selector Shortcuts that automatically filter the data to a pre-defined period; e.g. Today, This Week, This Month.
You can also filter data to an individual Clerk, giving you the ability to assess staff performance at a glance.
Export Data At the footer of each widget you have the option of exporting your data as a Comma Separated Variable file, for import into other software such as Excel, or save as a PDF (Portable Document Format), useful for emailing or archiving.
Re-order Home Page Widgets
Home Page Widgets can be moved around the page to suit your preferences using a simple drag-and-drop interface:
Simply move your mouse over the Title Bar of the widget until the cursor changes to a cross click and hold your left mouse button and drag it to a new position on the page. Widgets will automatically 'snap' to the nearest available slot, and other widgets will interactively move to accommodate it as you drag a widget around the screen. When you are happy with the position, let go of the mouse button - your settings are automatically saved.
Available Widgets
Note: As mentioned, not all widgets might be available to all users, and the order may differ from this list due to the customisable drag and drop nature of the Home Page Widgets.
Transaction Keys
A summary and pie chart of transactions by defined Transaction Keys.
Finalise Keys
A summary and pie chart of transactions by defined Finalise Keys.
Fixed Totals
Clerks Breakdown
A summary and pie chart of transactions by each named Clerk.
Group Sales Total
A summary and pie chart of transactions by defined PLU Groups.
Department Sales Total
A summary and pie chart of transactions by defined Departments.
Hourly Breakdown
Gives you an at-a-glance breakdown of your Total Sales (£), quantity of sales and Average Sale (£) by hour of the day, for a period specified by your filter. You can also filter the report for All Clerks or an individual clerk, for easy comparison of sales performance throughout the business day.
Last 100 Sales
Summary of last 100 transactions, showing Time, Sale ID, Site and Sale Total. Note that the list is scrollable within the widget. As with most columnar data within Touch Office Web, the sales data can be sorted by clicking on a column header. Click again to sort in reverse.
Reports Page
Simply select the report type you wish to view from the drop-down selector. The screen will refresh,
including displaying the possible filter types for that particular report. You may then set any filters that
you wish, and the data will update to reflect your filter options.
Exporting and Printing Reports
All available reports may be exported or printed from Touch Office Web.
The options available to you are:
Export to CSV
Exporting to a Comma Separated Variable text file allows you to import it into a variety of other software,
such as Microsoft Excel.
View as PDF
Download a copy of your report in the Portable Document Format. Useful for archiving or emailing copies
of your reports.
Print this Report
Print your report directly from Touch Office Web to any configured printer.
Filtering Reports
There are a number of ways you can filter your reports to retrieve exactly the information you require.
The exact filters available to you will depend on which type of report you are running. Most reports include the following base filters:
Site, Start Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time, Clerk, Price Level
Period Selector Shortcuts
At the top of the Reports screen there are a number of Shortcuts that allow you to select predefined date
ranges for your reports. These will automatically complete the Start Date and End Date filters for you.
These include:
● Today
● Yesterday
● This Week
● Last Week
● This Month
● Last Month
● This Quarter
● Last Quarter
Available Report Types
Clerks Reports
● Clerk List - A list of all current Clerks with their logon number and assigned iButton IDs
● Clerk Sales - A breakdown per clerk of Product Quantities sold and total values.
Department Reports
Reports to display bar graphs and pie charts of sales value of each defined Department, with a summary
list of Quantity Sold and Total Value.
Financial Reports
A range of filterable financial reports
PLU Reports
Stock Control Reports
Custom Reports
Clerk Reports
Clerk List
This is simply a list of all configured clerks, with their corresponding iButton and Secret Number. Filters have no effect over this report.
Clerk Sales
Gives a total of all sales, by quantity and total value, for all clerks who have made sales within the currently selected filter parameters. This report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Clerks; individual or All Clerks
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
Department Reports
These reports can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Clerks; individual or All Clerks
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
Available Report Types
Department Sales Bar Graph
Displays a bar graph of sales value of each defined Department, with a summary list of Quantity Sold and Total Value.
Department Sales Pie Chart
Displays a pie chart of sales value of each defined Department, with a summary list of Quantity Sold and Total Value
Financial Reports
The Fixed Totalizer Sales, Fixed Totals Per Site and Fixed Totals Per Till reports can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
The Transaction Key Sales report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
● Clerks; individual or All Clerks
The Batch Report, Department Sales report, Finalise Sales report and PLU Group Sales report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Clerks; individual or All Clerks
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
The Tax Sales report and Tax Sales Per Till report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Clerks; individual or All Clerks
● Department - any defined department or All Departments
● Group - any defined group or All Groups
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
Available Report Types
Batch Report: The Batch Report combines data from the Fixed Totalizer Sales, Finalise Key report, Transaction Key report and Clerk Sales report into one summary page.
Department Sales
Finalise Sales
Fixed Totalizer Sales
Fixed Totals Per Site
Fixed Totals Per till PLU Group Sales Tax Sales
Tax Sales Per Till
Transaction Key Sales
PLU Reports
Available Reports PLU Price List
This report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Department - All Departments or any individual defined department
● Price Level - All Price Levels or any individual defined price level PLU Sales This report can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Department - any defined department or All Departments
● Group - any defined group or All Groups
● Clerks - individual or All Clerks
● Price Level - Any defined price tier structure or All Price Levels
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times
● Terminal - All terminals or any individual defined terminal PLU Sales Dept and Group This report is similar to the PLU Sales report described above, but additionally contains columns detailing the Group and Department for each product sale total. The filters available for this report are the same as those for the PLU Sales report (see above)
'Top Sales' reports All of the remaining PLU reports can be filtered by any combination of:
● Site
● Date range - for any period, either using the Period Selectors or by defining Start and End Dates and times.
● Department - any defined department or All Departments
● Group - any defined group or All Groups
Top 100 Sales by Profit - Top 20 Best Sellers - Top 25 Sales by Profit - Top 50 Best Sellers - Top 50 Best Sellers by Value - Top 50 Sales by Profit
Products Page
PLU Programming
The front screen of the Products page presents you with a paged list of all of your Products ordered by PLU. You can quickly edit the Tax Rate, or Level 1 Price Tiers for multiple items directly from the list. Once you have made changes, click Save at the top of the page to commit your changes. If you wish
to edit further details of a given product, click on the PLU number in the left-hand column of the required product.
PLU Details Programming
Allows you to edit details of a product, including prices for all Levels, and Status Flags, Stock Control behaviour and Kitchen Printer configuration. To commit your changes, you must press the Save button at the top of the page. If you attempt to move away from the page without saving you will be alerted and prompted to save your pending edits.
Product Search
From the PLU Details Programming screen, you can search for a specific PLU or group of products to edit. You can search by:
● PLU Number
● PLU Description
● PLU Random Code
● PLU Group
● Department
If your selected search term returns more than one result, the first result will be displayed, with navigation links to the remaining records matching your
search criteria. The search terms in your filter are listed with a [x] next to them. Click the cross to remove a filter from your search.
Product Data
Product Name
Simply click on the product name at the top of the page and edit.
Define or edit the base details of any product.
● Group - Select a PLU Group to assign this product to
● Department - Select a department to assign this product to
● Random Code - Set a 20-digit random code that can be used to access this product; this is generally the barcode of a product, or could be used as Bin numbers for wine.
● Tax Rate - Select from defined Tax Rate options
Edit values and adjust stock levels for the product.
GP Target %
Here you can enter a target percentage of profit that you would like to make on the product. After calculating the average cost price and taking into account the taxable status of the product, TouchOffice will display the Recommended Retail Price in the RRP field.
GP Actual %
● Display only - not user editable
This field shows the amount of profit that is being made on the product at its current price.
● Display only - not user editable
This field shows the amount of profit that is being made on the product at it’s current price.
Adjusting Stock Levels
Click the +/- key. A pop-up box will appear, and prompt you to select to either Increase Stock By or Decrease Stock By and enter a quantity. You can also enter a Reason for change. Once you have made your edit, click Update Stock.
Define or edit prices for 1st, 2nd and 3rd price for Level 1 to 9. This is where the retail value is set. You can have up to nine different price levels per product. Each price level can also have a 2nd and 3rd sales value, for example for selling the same product at a different size. The 2nd and 3rd values are accessed by pressing the appropriate price shift key on the terminal or till
Define or edit 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quantity levels.
1st @ Quantity
Here you can define the quantity of the product when sold at the 1st @ price
2nd @ Quantity
Here you can define the quantity of the product when sold at the 2nd@ price. For example, in the hospitality trade this would normally be used for a half pint price. At the terminal or till, pressing the 2nd @ price shift button will show only products which have a quantity set here. The Alternative text modifier directly
below the 2nd @ Quantity can be used to provide an alternate description for the product when sold at the 2nd @ price.
3rd @ Quantity
Here you can define the quantity of the product when sold at the 3rd @ price. For example, in the hospitality trade this would normally be used for a double spirit measure price. At the terminal or till, pressing the 3rd @ price shift button will show only products which have a quantity set here. The Alternative text modifier directly below the 3rd @ Quantity can be used to provide an alternate description for the product when sold at the 3rd @ price.
Status Flags
Allows you to set a range of behaviours and parameters on a per product basis.
Enable Zero Price Sale?
If enabled, the product can be sold with a price of zero.
PLU is Negative Price?
The price will be negated when it is sold.
Enable Preset Override?
When enabled, prices can be typed directly into the button rather than adhering to the default price levels.
High digit limit
When Enable Preset Override is set, you can restrict the number of digits that can be entered into the product price. For example, setting this value to 3 would allow prices up to £9.99 can be entered.
PLU is Condiment PLU?
The PLU will be sold as a condiment to the previous item.
PLU is Weight PLU?
When enabled, the price is assumed to be per KG and not a quantity.
Prompt with notes?
For future use.
Prompt with picture?
A picture of the product can be displayed when sold or enquired about.
Do not print on receipts or bills?
Prevents this product can be displayed when sold or enquired about.
Allow manual weight entry?
Allows the weight to be entered at the time of sale.
Enable SEL Printing?
Enabling this option will allow shelf edge labels to be printed for this product at the point of sale from the receipt printer.
Single Item Sale?
When set, this product will automatically finalise the sale after registering. However, this only applies if it is the first product registered in the sale.
Set menu premium item? (uses 3rd @ Price)
When this item is registered as part of a set menu, the 3rd @ price of the product is added to the sale.
Prompt Customer Verification 1?
Prompt for the customer verification or warning that you have set up under Customer verification 1. These might be age verification checks, or a warning to the customer of potential allergies etc.
Prompt Customer Verification 2?
See Above.
Stock Control
Allows you to define whether stock control is enabled for a product and various parameters of stock control.
Maintain Stock
When enabled, the product will be subject to stock control functions. This is mainly used for restricting the sales of limited quantity 'specials'
Error when minimum stock reached?
When the stock level reaches the minimum stock level, the software will display an error message.
Inhibit sales when below minimum stock?
This prevents the product from being sold when their stock counter falls below the defined minimum stock level.
Display stock quantity on keyboard?
When enabled, the current stock level will be shown at the bottom of the button for the product on the keyboard.
Minimum Stock
Used in conjunction with Error when minimum stock reached? and Inhibit sales when below minimum stock? options (see above)
Additional information for adding stock via Touchpoint can be found HERE
Selective Itemisers
Commission Rates
Determines whether the clerk will receive a commission for selling this product, based on the commission rates recorded against this clerk in the Clerk Programming screen.
Kitchen Printers
Print to Kitchen Printer ___
Determines which Kitchen Printers (between 1 and 8) this product will be printed to.
Print in Red on KP?
When enabled, the product will appear in red when printed on a kitchen printer.
Print to Kitchen Video 1 / Kitchen Video 2
Selects which kitchen videos the product will be displayed to.
Print to Ticket Printer 1 / Ticket Printer 2
Selects which Ticket Printer the product will be printed to.
KP Category
Products that print to a kitchen printer can be sorted into groups despite the order in which they are sold. e.g. all starters, main meals or desserts could be grouped by category.
Option Windows
List Box Link 1 – 6
These are drop down links that can follow the product, as defined in List PLU Programming. These are usually used to categorise a product, e.g. as a Starter, Main or Dessert, or for cooking instructions.
Windows stay down until ESC
When enabled, any defined Links above will stay on screen until Escape is pressed. If disabled, the option box will disappear when a choice is made.
Link 6 items enforced zero price
When enabled, products linked to List Box Link 6 will be sold at zero value price.
Clerks Page
Clerk Programming
To edit details for a given clerk, click on the Number in the left-hand column.
Clerk Details Programming
From here, you can tailor all details of an individual clerk. To commit your changes, click the Save button at the top of the screen. If you attempt to leave the page without saving changes, you will be alerted and prompted to do so.
To change the Clerk Name, simply click on the name at the top of the screen and edit.
Add or edit the iButton Number and Secret / Log on Number for this Clerk.
Level Defaults
Here you can define what a given clerk will see when they first log onto the TouchPoint till.
Default Menu Level
When set, the clerk will jump straight to a specific menu level when they are signed on. If not set, they will go to the default for that terminal.
Default Price Level
When the clerk signs on, they are initially set to a specific price level.
Default Floorplan Level
Sets the level on the floor plan that this clerk will default to when they enter the floor plan. A setting of zero will go to the default for that terminal. For example, if the clerk is a drinks waiter in the upstairs bar lounge, you might configure their till to open at a Default Menu Level of 'Drinks', with a corresponding Default Floorplan Level of 'Upstairs.
Define different tiered commission rates earned by this clerk.
Allowed Functions
This allows fine-tuned permissions of various functions
Allowed Modes
Allows configuring permissions for various modes. For example, whether this clerk is allowed to enter Refund Mode or if they can run Manager Functions. Options are:
● Reg Mode (Standard Sales Mode)
● Refund Mode
● X Mode (End of Day)
● Z Mode (End of Day)
● Manager Functions
● Checkboxes for Program 1 through 6
Employee Job
Prompt to clock in on sign on
When enabled, if the employee is not clocked in when they sign on then the terminal will prompt them as to whether they want to clock in at that point.
Compulsory clocked in
When enabled, the employee cannot use the till unless they are clocked in.
Clerk Control
Configure parameters such as whether entering an order number is compulsory for all transactions, and whether a clerk should be signed off at the end of the sale.
Programming Page
Products are linked to a Department for reporting purposes (End of Day & ToW Reporting)
Allows you to define the PLU groups that you wish to categorise your products in e.g. Drinks, Food, Starters, Mains etc.
List PLU’s
List PLUs are 'pop up' windows that appear on the terminal that allow you to prompt staff for certain choices. For example, in a set menu, they would allow selection of starters, main meal and dessert. Or they might prompt to ask a customer how they would like their steak cooked.
To add or edit products in a given PLU list, click the Number box for the required List Descriptor.
You will then be presented with a page containing the List Box PLU Links. Add or edit products by selecting them via the drop-down lists containing all
defined products, or simply start typing into the Descriptor box and the list of products will be filtered to your current search term.
When you have completed your edits, click the Save button at the top of the screen
Mix & Match Programming
There are two different forms of Mix & Match available. Therefore, there are two different Mix & Match programming pages. The differences and configuration of each type are described below.
Mix & Match 1
Mix & Match 1 allows you to set up generic promotions (that is, where the promotion is available on a range of different products as long as specific criteria are met to fulfil the promotion requirements)
Examples of these might include
- ‘20% off when you buy 5 or more items’
- ‘Any 3 for £20’
- ‘Buy any 3 items and get the cheapest free’
Mix & Match Types
You can select from any of the following methods in constructing your Mix & Match promotion:
Discount Amount
A £ amount to be discounted from the total bill. (e.g. ‘£5 off when you buy any 3 items’)
Discount %
A % amount to be discounted from the total bill (e.g. ‘£5 off when you buy any 3 items’)
Set Price
Overrides the price of the products and sets a total for the sale. (e.g. for a ‘3 for £20’ type offer)
Discount amount cheapest
Discounts a £ amount from the cheapest item (e.g. ‘Get £2 off the cheapest item when you buy 3’)
Discount % Cheapest
Discounts a % amount of the cheapest item (e.g. ‘buy 3, get the cheapest half price’)
Discount amount last item
Discount a £ amount off the last item (e.g. 'buy a starter and main course, get £3 off dessert')
Discount % last item
Discount a % amount off the last item (e.g. 'buy a starter and main course, get dessert free')
Example Mix & Match Promotion
In the example promotion below, we have set up a 'Buy three - get cheapest item free' offer by setting the Discount Rate to 100% of Mix & Match type
Discount % Cheapest, which is only true of Price Level 1 items (i.e. 'cannot be combined with any other offer’), but only between 7pm and 9pm, Mondays through Thursdays.
Mix & Match 2
Mix & Match 2 promotions are more specific. In addition to the criteria described for Mix & Match 1, you set up 'Buckets' which contain particular PLU products, where a specific quantity in each of those buckets have to be purchased in order to qualify for the promotion. Examples of this kind of promotion might include:
● 'Buy two shirts and get a free tie'
● 'Meal Deal' type promotions where they can choose 1 x Sandwich, 1 x confectionary or crisps and 1 x drink for a fixed price
● 'Buy any two Star Wars movies on DVD and get 50% off a Star Wars T-shirt'
● 'Buy two bottles of wine and get a voucher for 20% off your next purchase'
Finalise Keys
Finalise keys are used to complete sales. Examples would include ‘Cash’ and ‘Credit Card’
Opens Drawer
Decides whether the drawer will open or not when this finalise key is used – Usually disabled for ‘Card’
Enforce amount tendering
If set to yes, the operator must enter the amount tendered before pressing this button.
Automatic receipt issuance
If set to yes, regardless of whether the receipt is on or not, a receipt will be issued if this key is used.
Print tax breakdown
If there is any tax content in this sale, then this will be printed on the receipt.
Warn if a check is open
Will open a prompt to inform you that a check is currently open.
Inhibit Amount tendered
If set to yes, the operator cannot tender an amount before pressing this button.
Enforce Subtotal
If set to yes, the operator must press subtotal before pressing this button.
Inhibit partial tendering
If set to yes, the operator cannot tender for less than the sale value.
Prompt for Cashback
Once the Finalise Key is pressed a prompt will open allowing you to enter a chosen amount. This can be combined with the above ‘Opens Drawer’ flag to allow cashback to be given to the customer.
Prompt with keypad for tender
When set and no amount was tendered into the finalise key, the unit will popup a numeric keypad for amount to be tendered.
Update Keyboard Text?
When set to yes, any buttons set as this key will have their captions updated with the text in the descriptor field above. This will automatically change to yes whenever you change the descriptor field. You can force the caption to be updated by setting this to yes, and can prevent it being updated by setting it to no after you have changed the text in descriptor.
Status Keys
Most of these will be pre-configured by ourselves. However, examples of status keys might include:
- Half Pint (Shifts to 2nd @ Price)
- Double (Shifts to 3rd @ Price)
- Batch Report (End of Day, Week, Month)
- Wastage (Shifts to 5th Price Level)
Transaction Keys
Transaction Keys are essentially categories of transaction types for the purpose of reporting on and grouping transactions. Examples of transaction keys would include discounts or error corrects.
Key Types
New Balance
Used to store away the currently open check/table
Price Change
Used to temporarily change the price of an item.
Media Exchange
Changes 1 media for another at point of sale e.g. Cheque for cash.
Paid Out
Used to record monies paid out of the till.
Received on account
Used to record deposit amounts into checks/tables
Used to record deposit amounts into checks/tables
Pay Account
Used to increase balances on account/prepaid customers.
+ Amount
Used to increase the current subtotal by an amount
- Amount
Used to decrease the current subtotal by an amount
Used to increase the current subtotal by % amount
Used to decrease the current subtotal by % amount
Exchange Points
Used to exchange customer loyalty points against the current subtotal (Not commonly used on sites – as it requires the user to register customers)
Points adjustment
Used to manually alter the number of points on a customer.
Used for refunding items (Not necessarily in the current sale)
Used to cancel the entire contents of the current sale
Error Correct
Used to Correct/Void items out of the current sale
(unless the receipt printing is set to consolidate – this will show on customer receipts)
No Sale
Opens the cash drawer without processing a sale
Check Transfer
Used for transferring the contents of the current sale to a check, can also be used to transfer.
House Bon
Used to sell items for free
Not all of the flags detailed below are available for all Key Types. As you select a key type from the drop-down box the available flags will be shown.
Allow price increase
This allows the operator to increase the price of the item.
Allow price decrease
This allows the operator to decrease the price of the item.
Allow preset override
The allows the operator to type in an amount and press the button
Allow Negative balance
Means that after use of this key, the current sale can fall into negative amount.
Adds to points? No, subtracts.
When set this button is used to add points to the customer. When no it removes points. (This is mainly used for Loyalty points etc – so most sites won’t use this)
Tendered amount is value
Determines whether what is tendered into this key is a monetary value or number of points to use (See above)
Only one use per sale
Means that the button can only be used once in any one transaction.
Not allowed after subtotal
Means that the transaction is unable to be used after the subtotal key is pressed
Auto New Check
When this button flag is checked, using this key will automatically create a new check including items from the current sale.
Force Drawer 1
Opens cash drawer 1 regardless of what the operator permissions are.
Force Drawer 2
Opens cash drawer 2 regardless of what the operator permissions are.
If both flags are set then both cash drawers will be opened, 1 after the other. if neither flag is set then the default for the operator is fired.
Complete line void
If yes error corrects by line, if no by item.
Extra ticket with sig strip
If this transaction key is used at any time during the sale then an extra receipt is issued with the signature strip bottom message at the bottom of it.
Update keyboard text
When set to yes, any buttons set as this key will have their captions updated with the text in the descriptor field above. This will automatically change to yes whenever you change the descriptor field. You can force the caption to be updated by setting this to yes, and can prevent it being updated by setting it to no after you have changed the text in descriptor.
Fixed Characters
There are a variety of fixed characters, these are usually used for labelling different aspects of TouchPoint. For example:
- Currency Symbols
- Half & Double Prefixes
- Mode Names (Reg Mode, Refund Mode etc)
- Price Level Names (Std Prices, Price 2 etc)
Keyboard Menu Levels
These are the Categories that will appear on the left side of the keyboard on our programs – these can be added using the ‘Function Key Wizard’
Sales Page
Sales Explorer
Sales Data
The sales data for your current filter selection is presented. Filters for the Sales Data include Department, Group and Price Level, as well as filtering to individual clerks and/or terminals. As with virtually any other data page in TouchOffice Web, you can either enter a Start and End Date and Time, or use the Period Selector shortcuts to quickly select useful pre-defined reporting periods.
You can further filter your results via a Keyword Filter at the top of the Sales Data list. The transaction list may be sorted by any column by clicking on the column header. Click again to sort in reverse. Clicking the Sale ID of any listed transaction will pop up a window with tabs to view the Sales Receipt and Sales Data for that sales transaction. Click the cross at the top right of the window to close when you have finished reviewing the data.
Till Reports
The X/Z Reports for your current filter selection is presented.
You can further filter your results via a Keyword Filter at the top of the X/Z till Reports List.
The reports list may be sorted by any column by clicking the column header. Click again to sort in reverse.
Clicking the Report ID of any listed report will pop up a window with the full details of that Till Report. Click the cross at the top right of the window to close when you are finished reviewing the data.
Attached is the MyAPPetite Touch Office Web Manual, if any information you need is omitted please Email [email protected].
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