RestaJet Dashboard: This is an ‘at a glance’ view of your RestaJet performance. You can monitor the following: Total amount of customers, Total amount of orders, Total Turnover, Number of Products on the menu, Monthly new customers, Monthly turnover including a bar chart comparison of your previous monthly revenue and your app/website feedback (if this is enabled). You can also filter this on a per site basis if your company is multi-site.
Orders: The function of this page is to be able to view waiting, accepted and rejected orders. This gives you full visibility of the customers details – Email Address, Phone Number, Address if you need to contact them regarding their order. You can expand the details of this order using the ‘Details’ button on the right side of the screen, by doing so you get a more in-depth breakdown of the customers orders including any items & added notes, payment methods, order method and any tips/surcharges. This can be very useful for back tracking orders to ensure that all correct items were delivered etc.
Customers: This page gives you an insight into customer accounts, allowing you to view their Full Name, Email, Mobile and Registration date. Similar to the ‘Orders’ page described above you have a ‘Detail’ button on the right side of the screen, this will expand the customers profile enabling you to view all the customers addresses, view/add & remove any earned points (if reward points are enabled) and also trace every order that the customer has placed either through your website or app with a breakdown similar to the ‘Orders’ page. Included in this page is also a notes section, this is useful for marking problematic customers or customers with specific needs – Allergies, Delivery Requirements etc.
Menus: This is the most complex tab of the RestaJet control panel, it’s solely responsible for programming all menu items, modifiers and options and formatting the menu as you see fit. Your menu will be pre-programmed by ourselves from the materials you’ve provided, however this is where you will make any edits/additions in the future.
Adding Categories, Products & Options:
Adding Categories:
When adding a new category, you will be met with a list of options. At the top you will be prompted to choose a location that you would like to add this category to. If you are a single site business you can leave this set as ‘All Locations’ however if you are a multi-site business you can choose whether you would like to apply this to all sites or a specific site.
Below this option you will enter the name of the Category you would like to add. For example, Burgers, Pizzas etc.
You will now have the option to add a description to your category, this will display below the name on both the APP and the Web version of RestaJet.
The options field is used to apply a created option to all items within this category, rather than adding them individually to each item. (Please refer to the ‘Options’ section for more information)
Related Products allows you to choose items that would relate this to this category when the customer is browsing the APP. Personally, I rarely set this up as it can take up space on the customers screen while they are attempting to choose items so this is at your discretion.
The external ID of the categories is purely for the Developers and Engineers reference when configuring RestaJet for higher end integration, it is suggested not to fill this out unless absolutely necessary.
The excluded order methods check boxes can be used to restrict this category from being displayed when a customer chooses a specific order method. This can be especially useful if you only offer this set of items for delivery/collection/eat in.
You can set categories to be excluded from collecting reward points with the checkbox.
The visible checkbox allows you to disable the visibility of the entire category if unchecked, this is primarily used when items in the category are discontinued/out of stock.
The last 3 options are for branding the category with images of your choice.
Adding Products:
When adding a new product, you will be met with a list of options. At the top you will be prompted to choose a location that you would like to add this product to. If you are a single site business you can leave this set as ‘All Locations’ however if you are a multi-site business you can choose whether you would like to add this item to all sites or a specific site.
Below this option you will enter the name of the item you would like to add. For example, Mediterranean Pizza, Spaghetti Carbonara etc.
You can add your premade options to your items in the Options field, this is primarily used for extra items, toppings choices, removal of ingredients etc. (Please refer to the Options section for more information)
The external ID of the items is purely for the Developers and Engineers reference when configuring RestaJet for backend ICRTouch integration. However, this does not trigger anything by default.
The ingredient field is used for adding allergen/ingredient information to your products, this can be especially useful for vegan/vegetarian products.
The ‘Excluded Order Methods’ can be used for disabling certain products from order methods – Delivery, Pickup, Eat in, Table Order.
Adding Options
Options are primarily used for adding extras/modifiers to existing products. These can be applied via the ‘Options’ field on the product itself. When creating options there are a few things to note:
The external ID (as mentioned above) has no direct function, unless specified by us.
There are a couple different option types: Single Selection or Multiple Selection. When multiple selection is chosen you will be met with a minimum and maximum option amount, you can configure this to match the needs of your business. E.g., if you allow 2 or 3 sauces on a kebab etc.
The option values are what the customers choose when the drop-down/pop-up box appears. When entering these, you separate each value by a comma and then enter a price if required.
The reservations tab allows you to have visibility of all pending and active reservations on RestaJet. This can be configured upon request, however unless specified this will not be configured on a default set up.
Marketing is a crucial aspect to gaining traction for your Online Ordering APP/Website. There is a variety of tools that you can utilize to assist with this, within the Marketing tab of RestaJet.
This is one of the greatest ways you can accelerate the transition from other online ordering methods e.g., JustEat, UberEats, Deliveroo by applying discounts for customers via your APP for first time customers etc.
Promotion Types:
Cart Based Promotion – This will apply a discount to the overall value of the cart at checkout, this can be configured to be a Percentage Discount, Fixed Amount Discount or a ‘Set to Price’ discount.
Delivery Fee Promotion – This promotion will apply to the delivery fee, allowing you to remove or adjust the delivery fee based on the methods mentioned above.
Coupon Code – This field allows you to define a custom Coupon Code that your customers can enter at checkout for discounts.
Customer Class – You can configure customer classes that get trigged upon a certain volume of orders etc, these can be defined in this section so that the discount is only applied to users within that group.
These options are followed by 2 tick boxes, the first one being:
Once Per Customer – This will force the promotion to only be applied once per customer account, this is useful if you are running a high % or amount discount.
Only First Order – This promotion is especially useful for enticing customers to transition from other order methods to your APP. This will force the discount to only be applied to the customers first order.
Start & End Date – You can configure the promotion to only be active between your specified dates with this option. Very useful for seasonal promotions. Below these options you can also define the days & times that this will apply to.
Min. cart subtotal – This will only apply the promotion when a minimum cart amount is met.
Discount Type – You can choose between one of three options here: Percentage Discount, Fixed Amount, Set to Price.
Discount Value – This is where you define the amount of discount applied. E.g. If you would like to apply a 10% discount, enter 10 in this field.
Status – This is the setting to enable/disable this discount.
Automations are primarily used for automatically triggering events based on these parameters:
- Customer Birthday
- Customer Inactive
- Customer Total Spend Reaches
- Customer Order Count Reaches
- When The Customer Is Near the Restaurant
- When The Customer Checks In
- When the Customer Transfers Points
Once these are triggered you can force actions to be made, these are:
- Send Email
- Send SMS
- Send Notification
- Change Customer Class
- Add Reward Points to Customer
- Create Promotion Coupon Code
This function of RestaJet allows you to have an automated connection with customers depending on how they interact with your APP. For example, sending a tailored discount code to the customer on their birthday or after placing 10 orders adding points to their account.
You can enable this to allow customers to complete surveys to earn reward points, however this is not something that is commonly configured as most clients tend to prefer the feedback option rather than surveys.
Bulk Push Notification
This is the most commonly used method for marketing via the APP, this will send a customizable push notification to all customers that have signed up for an account on your APP and opted into marketing and push notifications.
Bulk Email
Similar to the Bulk Push Notification, you can send out mass emails based on created email templates to customers that have signed up for the APP and allowed email marketing. We will need to configure the mailbox settings for this, so contact us before attempting to send these out.
Bulk SMS
Similar to the Email Push Notification, you can send out mass text messages but this will need to be configured through Twilio and is also chargeable.
Email Templates
This is the part of RestaJet that allows you to edit the pre-set emails sent to customers for marketing and order confirmations etc.
The Restaurant tab is where all of the site configuration options are located, these are used to set up the core functions of your site – Working Hours, Payments Types, Order Methods, Delivery Areas etc.
The ‘all’ tab allows you to choose which site you would like to configure from the list. This only really applies if you have multiple sites, but you can also choose ‘Edit’ from here to reach the ‘General’ section.
This is where you can choose to set up:
- Default Tax Rates
- Location Name
- Address
- Support Email
- Order Notification Email
- Menu’s (If you have multiple menus configured for seasonal changes etc.)
- Time zone
- City
- Phone
- Website (External)
- Support Mobile
- Enable/Disable Feedback
- Pinpoint the location of your Restaurant on the map (Shows on APP/Web)
Working Hours
You can set these hours to be Standard Opening Hours, Dual Opening Hours, Open 24 Hours or Closed.
Order Methods
For your order methods, you can choose Delivery, Pickup, Eat in & Table Ordering. To enable/disable these, use the slider on the left side of the screen.
The settings for these are:
Delivery Duration – This is the default allocated time for the delivery timer.
Do not allow orders for ASAP – This removed the choice for ASAP from the delivery time section when customers are at checkout and forces them to choose a timeslot.
Tipping Enabled – This allows you to enable customers to add a gratuity payment onto their order for you and your staff.
Future Order Enabled – This is how many days in the future it will allow the customers to order for. For example, if you wanted to pre-place and order for Friday evening on Thursday, you would be able to.
Future Order Delay (min) – This defines how many minutes before the order is due, that the ticket will be printed.
Payment Types
These options will usually be pre-configured by your Online Ordering/EPOS provider based on your specification. However, if you would like to add an additional method. These are the options:
Reward Points – This works in conjunction with the ‘Reward Points’ configuration as described above. Customers can then redeem their points at checkout to receive discount on their current order.
Cash On Delivery – Allows the customer to place their order and present cash upon collection/delivery. If you press configure on this option, you can rename it to be ‘Cash on Collection’ etc if you wish.
Credit Card on Delivery – Allows the customer to place their order and present a credit/debit card on delivery/collection. If you press configure on this option, you can rename it to be ‘Credit/Debit Card on Collection’ etc if you wish.
Credit Card – It’s advised that this method is not used, as you will need to configure PaymentSense/Paypal/Stripe instead.
PayPal – This allows customers to checkout using PayPal. However, you will need to configure the API username, API Password, API Signature and a Card Surcharge for this.
Mollie iDeal – Please contact Mollie/iDeal regarding this payment type.
MetrolpolCard Online – Please contact MetropolCard about this payment type.
Stripe Elements – You can allow customers to checkout with their Payment Card using Stripe’s services through this payment method. You will need to obtain your Secret API Key & Publishable API key from the developer section of your Stripe Dashboard for this.
PaymentSense/DOJO – To enable this payment method you will need your Access Token/API Key, Gateway Username & Gateway Password from PaymentSense/DOJO themselves. You can submit a form to enable your online checkout via their support team.
Stripe Connect – It is advised that you do not use this payment method, and use the ‘Stripe’ method above.
Delivery Areas
Min Amount – Minimum value for an order to be processed using this method.
Delivery Fee – The delivery fee that gets applied to this method.
Free Delivery Amount – The threshold that needs to be met for free delivery.
Eta – The displayed ETA for customers using this method (If not defined on the EPOS)
Working Hours – Allows you to define custom Working Hours exclusively for this method.
Note – A note for your personal reference, useful if setting up multiple delivery areas.
Here you can configure your Tables for the Table Ordering function of Restajet. You can use the ‘visible’ slider to enable/disable your tables at any time.
Order Capacity
Order Methods – Allows you to specify the order methods that you would like this to apply to e.g., Delivery, Pickup, Eat In, Table Order via the tick boxes.
Days – You can choose the days that this will be active on Mon-Sun via the tick boxes.
Start & End Time – If you would like to be permanent, configure this to be 00:00-23:59. Alternatively, you can set this to be during your busiest hours.
Max Orders Per Interval – This is the maximum number of orders that will be accepted during the timescale defined.
Status – Ability to either activate/deactivate the Order Capacity.
This section of Restajet gives you a list of all feedback that has been received on either the APP or the Web Ordering.
These reports are the equivalent to viewing your End of Day reports on your EPOS. They give you a detailed breakdown of Orders, Top Customers, Best Selling Orders, Reward Points etc.
Order Report
This will give you a breakdown of all of your orders, this will display the Payment Method, Order Method, Order Count and Order Total.
Sort Type – You can choose to sort your report by either Count or Total depending on your viewing preference.
Sorting Period – You can choose either Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. Alternatively, you can choose a custom time period to report on via the ‘Date Range’ option.
Restaurants – If you have multiple sites you can choose to report on specific sites or all sites.
Start & End Hour – It is recommended that you match this to your opening times to ensure you’re including ALL orders.
Top Customer
This has the same search parameters as the above methods; however, this will output your top customers. This is useful for tailoring promotions and rewards to your most active customers.
Best Selling Products
This also uses the same search parameters as the above methods. When the report is generated, it will output a Product Name & Order Count on the left side and also a Pie Chart on the right side for easier visuals. This function is useful for knowing which items you may need to purchase extra stock for and which items you may need to include in promotions to entice customers to order them.
Delivery Areas
Using the search parameters explained above you can output a report to show which are the most common areas that your customers are ordering from. This can be useful to see if your delivery charges are too high for certain areas, and target where your customer base is located.
Reward Points
This gives you a breakdown of Earned/Redeemed Reward points. This can be useful for adjusting the distribution of Reward points if customers aren’t being allocated them or if they’re too easy to obtain for discounts.
Online Payment Report
This report allows you to exclusively view your online payments, rather than having the totals for Cash alongside them. This can be useful for troubleshooting if you cannot find an order you are looking for on the Sales Explorer.
This is primarily used for backend configuration; these functions often won’t be edited by customers but I will include a breakdown for their reference below:
From here you can configure:
- Site Name
- Language
- Currency
- Domain Name (We recommend not to edit this)
- Local Domain (We recommend not to edit this)
Social Networks
- Trip Advisor
This is where you can enable or disable your Loyalty points. You can configure point percentages, First Order Point Percentages, Target Points, Points of Inviters for referrals, Point of Invitee for accepted referrals and maximum point usage limits for orders.
You can configure your chosen delivery area type here by Map, Postal Code or District. It is highly recommended that you keep this on ‘Map’ to ensure the most accurate delivery areas.
Order Status Check Enabled – This should always be set to YES.
Allow Product Note – This will allow customers to add a note to individual items if they wish.
Tipping Options – You can define pre-set tipping amounts here if you wish.
Website & Mobile Apps
You can change the branding for the Web & APP in this section. However, we’d recommend that if you wish to change these please contact your EPOS/Online Ordering provider.
QR Home
This is intended for the configuration of automatically changing QR Codes on a slide. However, this is not configured by default as it is recommended to have 1 QR Code for the APP so that it’s easy to apply these to your marketing literature etc.
Printing Template
This is not used, please contact your EPOS/Online Ordering provider.
This is a repository of all of your currently uploaded files, this will be all of your branding images etc.
Email & SMS Provider
This allows you to configure your Email Server for sending your email marketing and also your Twilio account for your SMS marketing. However, this is not configured by default, so please contact your EPOS/Online Ordering Provider regarding this.
Customer Classes
These allow you to create customer classes, these can be automatically assigned to customers in ‘Automations’ based on your specified parameters. You will need to set a Name and Code for this. There is also a checkbox to exclude this Customer Class from earning Reward Points.
These will already be pre-configured by your provider, however if you wish to edit your Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions or Cookie Policy you can add/edit these here.
Users & Roles
Here you can create new users for the RestaJet Dashboard, you can define if the user has full admin access or standard staff access. This can be useful for allowing your staff access to the Dashboard without being able to edit any of the important settings.
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